Amazon affiliate blog posts: 12 proven ways to boost your income

Ready to start making some big bucks with your new Amazon affiliate blog post? After using Amazon affiliate links on my blogs for the past 12 years, I have discovered several ways to promote Amazon products, and I’ll share with you what makes me the most profit.

Pin image for Amazon affilaite blog

Amazon is among the best affiliate programs for bloggers, as there is something to promote in virtually every niche. 

Often, Amazon affiliates get discouraged when they don’t see immediate results. However, if you don’t have a plan in place to improve conversion rates, you are not likely to succeed.

Want to succeed at Amazon affiliate marketing?? 

Let me show you what I’ve learned and how to add Amazon affiliate links to your blog.

12 Never failing money-making tips for your new Amazon affiliate blog

One of the most lucrative ways is simply adding a relevant link within the body text of your blog post. Because mentioning your affiliate product within the content will appear natural to your reader. Many experienced affiliate marketers consider it the most powerful way to get visitors to click through to their blog.

That doesn’t mean you should turn all possible keywords into affiliate links, as this will not seem like a genuine recommendation. Above all, your intention should be to offer value to your readers and that you’re not only in it for the money.

2. Choose best-converting products 

You want to ensure they purchase the product once your visitors visit Amazon through one of your links. Fortunately, Amazon does everything to help you quickly find the best product to promote. You’ll find the best-converting products on top when you search for a product from the affiliate dashboard. But, you will have to use your own judgment and read some reviews to learn what other customers say about that product.

However, these are not the only factors influencing customers to buy the product. High-quality product images, prime shipping, and the number of reviews are all deciding factors for buyers you need to consider.

 3. Write a product review.

As for buying a product on Amazon, most customers look for more information before purchasing. This is why your Amazon affiliate blog post should give them all the critical info about the particular product without the need to search for hours on the internet.

For example, a thoroughly researched product review targets visitors looking to buy a product. One way to do this is with a comparison post, where you compare different brands offering this same product.

If you had to choose from these two posts, which would convert best?

  1. Best foods to cook in an air fryer.
  2. We tested the 10 best air fryers on the market.

Did you choose the second? Then you are right. The first post gives you general information on cooking in an air fryer. In contrast, the second post targets visitors interested in buying the best air fryer. 

By using the intent keywords in your headline, your goal is to fulfill the visitor’s purpose for the search. In other words, what they’ll probably do after reading your post.

Intent Keywords

  • Best “product”
  • Where to buy “product”
  • “Product name” reviews
  • “Product” near me
  • First-rate “product”
  • Top-rated “product”

bestdogfoodadvisor's Amazon comparison post

A great example of how to write a comparison post from, a very successful Amazon affiliate blog.

Nothing is worse than when your visitor clicks on one of your links and ends up on a page that says, ” Sorry, but this item is no longer available. ”

broken-links checker plugin
Find broken links with the free broken links checker plugin or go to Google search control and check under the ‘Coverage’ tab for 404 errors.

Not only do you lose the affiliate commission, but it may appear that you do not take your blog or visitors seriously.

So, in short, set a regular schedule to check for broken links. Also, update your posts with fresh content and inform your readers about the latest deals on Amazon. 

 5. Amazon affiliates’ ideas to steal

If you are looking for affiliate site examples or affiliates’ ideas to steal, here are a few example sites that you can draw inspiration from to replicate their success:

Now, I bet you wonder how to find these sites. That’s easy. Since every Amazon affiliate has to add an affiliate disclosure to his or her website, you can type the following in the Google search bar. “As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases” + “any product”. Where it says any product, I typed in “Best Camera,” “Camping Gear,” and “Baby Products” to find the above site examples.

google search bar screenshot

Remember, while drawing inspiration from successful sites and affiliates is acceptable, adding your unique touch and value proposition is essential to stand out from the competition.

If you want to see what keywords your competition uses to attract customers, you can use a tool called SEMRush. This tool helps you find the words your competitors show up for in search results without paying (organic search) and the words they pay to appear (ads). By looking at this information, you can understand how they promote their products and change your plans to be more effective. SEMRush also tells you if there are any words you’re not using but should be to get more customers.

 6. Make product images clickable.

 When it comes to affiliate links, people often overlook the product images. Making all your product images clickable will increase your click rate and conversions. My favorite tool to help me with is the AMZIMG plugin for WordPress. 

Usually, Amazon decides which image you can share on your blog post. But with this plugin, you can choose any image of any size you like from the product page and turn it into a link. Moreover, you won’t risk getting your account suspended as the plugin uses the Amazon API, staying within their rules. There are also other helpful plugins, but more on that later on.

7. Make a killing before the holidays.

Amazon makes most of its sales at the end of the year. With Prime Day, Black Friday, and Christmas, its sales are exploding. If you prepare well, your affiliate earnings will also explode. Here are some ways to do that.

  1. Write a post listing your favorite products related to your niche and insert as many affiliate links as possible. Then, share this post with your email subscribers. You can promote the post on social media if you don’t have enough subscribers.
  2. Make a page with hot Black Friday deals.
  3. Post a Holiday gift guide. Search for the best keyword related to your niche. Let’s say you have an Amazon affiliate blog about camping. You can write a post named Cool camping gifts for dads. Create this post well in advance. Sharing on social media can be immensely helpful to quickly get some traffic to this guide.
  4. Make a special landing page with upcoming sales. Provide readers with a sign-up form for updates and emails with offers and discounts.

8. Monitor and optimize with unique tracking IDs

If you want to do well as an Amazon associate, I recommend using a different tracking ID for each product promotion on your site. These tracking IDs will provide valuable information about which links and ad placements work best on your site.

ad an amazon tracking id

So, when you add a tracking ID, make it something you can recognize easily, and give it the product’s name or the blog post’s name. But please note, there is a limit. You can add a maximum of one hundred tracking IDs per account. You can find the Manage Your Tracking IDs in the top right corner of the affiliate dashboard by clicking on the email connected to your account.

 9. Use affiliate plugins 

It can be time-consuming to manually create affiliate links and add product images to your Amazon affiliate blog posts.

However, an Amazon affiliate plugin can do different tasks much quicker. For instance, updating the product’s price, description, and discounts. Moreover, you can build beautiful custom-designed product boxes, bestseller lists, and comparison tables. This can be achieved in minutes with such a plugin. You can buy most of these plugins for around $50 for single-site use; my experience is they are well worth the investment.

comparison table with aawp plugin

10. Site speed and responsiveness

Remember that your website needs to be responsive and pages need to load fast. Otherwise, you will quickly lose visitors. Remember that most people will presently visit your blog from a mobile device.

To optimize your pages:

  • Make sure you test your blog’s mobile responsiveness. 
  • Consider using a plugin that will load images as the page loads. (lazy loading)
  • Avoid using invasive pop-ups.
  • Use fewer or no Adsense ads on posts where you are trying to sell Amazon products (so people can focus on the product).
  • Make your site navigation user-friendly so readers can easily find what they want.

11. Build an email list

Many bloggers don’t know that it is against Amazon’s policies to add affiliate links in emails or newsletters. What you can do is provide a link to a blog post that includes Amazon links. Many affiliate marketers still neglect this powerful method to reach their customers. When you start an Amazon affiliate website, one of the first things you should do is add a newsletter subscription form to build your email subscriber list. Then, when people subscribe to your newsletter, all you have to do is let them know about your latest posts recommending your favorite products. Find out how you can set up a newsletter for your blog.

 12. Invest in ad campaigns

Some affiliate marketers successfully bring visitors to their websites by buying targeted keywords for their affiliate site and creating content with these keywords. With this method, your blog doesn’t need to have a lot of traffic. So, for newer blogs, this is also a method to consider.

You can launch an advertising campaign to get highly targeted traffic. Besides Google ads, you can advertise on social platforms. To find the right platform to do this, you must know where your customer hangs out. For example, if you have a blog about home decor, DIY & crafts, or food & drink, your audience will likely be on Pinterest or Instagram, and it’s worth setting up an ad on this platform. This social media demographics guide may help you determine which platform your readers hang out on.

Read also: Can you use images from Amazon on Pinterest as an affiliate?

Bonus Tip

Specific categories on Amazon have a very low commission rate. For instance, Health & Household and Grocery & Gourmet Food have a fixed commission rate of 1%. However, not every Amazon seller will list their product in the same category. Let’s say you want to promote a compression garment. Some products are listed in the health & household category, but others are in the Clothing, Shoes, and jewelry category, which pays 4% to the affiliates. So, it’s worth checking if your product is listed in a category with a higher commission fee and using that link instead.

To sum up

Increasing your earnings from your Amazon affiliate blog is not as hard as you may believe. What’s important is that you choose relevant products in your niche and find the right keywords to create awesome content. This will give you highly targeted traffic. Once you’ve created your Amazon affiliate blog, apply our money-making tips when you advertise your affiliate products. Remember, your success depends entirely on how committed you are. Plus, you have to keep testing which methods deliver the best results. 


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